Mataram (Suara NTB) – Sambut tahun baru 2025, Aruna Senggigi mempersembahkan Gala Dinner dan Count Down Beach Party dengan tema “Tropical Paradise”. Gelaran malam tahun baru kali ini menampilkan penampilan spesial dari Ika Putri – Artis dan Penyanyi, Pemenang Shanghai Music Festival 2001 serta pertunjukan Laser Dance pertama di Lombok.
Selain Laser Dance, tamu juga menikmati berbagai macam atraksi serta hiburan, seperti live band, modern dance DJ, fire dance dan pertunjukan kembang api di tepi pantai. Momen ini menjadi semakin seru karena tamu juga dimanjakan dengan berbagai hadiah menarik.
Pada Gala Dinner, tamu disuguhkan dengan sajian istimewa dari Executive Chef Aruna Senggigi, diantaranya menu Western, Mexican, Chinese, Arabian, Grill, dan aneka Dessert. Keseruan Gala Dinner semakin lengkap dengan penampilan spesial dari Ika Putri yang menghibur tamu dengan alunan suara merdunya. Sambil menunggu acara dimulai, anak-anak juga dapat menikmati Balon Twister serta permainan di Kids Playground.
Usai menyantap sajian lezat di Gala Dinner, tamu diajak untuk menikmati pesta perayaan malam pergantian tahun di tepi pantai dengan konsep Beach Party di Sea View, Aruna Senggigi. Beach Party menyuguhkan penampilan dari Apokayan Band yang merupakan salah satu band ternama dari Surabaya. Sambil ditemani dengan deburan ombak pantai, tamu juga menikmati pertunjukan Laser Dance pertama di Lombok. Tidak hanya itu, penampilan spesial dari penyanyi Asrilia melengkapi kemeriahan acara. Antusiasme tamu tidak hanya berhenti di sana, Dedaz Fire Dance juga mengguncang malam, diiringi dengan music perkusi dari Revive Percussion serta FDJ Gladys, para tamu seakan terhanyut dalam suasana.
Sebagai puncak acara ditutup dengan pesta kembang api spektakuler yang memberikan nuansa gemilang untuk menyambut tahun 2025. Gemerlap cahaya warna-warni yang memenuhi langit Pantai Senggigi, disertai gegap gempita sorak sorai ribuan orang yang memadati Sea View, Aruna Senggigi. Suara terompet saling bersahutan, menambah semarak suasana dengan penuh kegembiraan. (r)
A Festive 2025 New Year’s Eve Celebration of Aruna Senggigi
Welcoming the new year 2025, Aruna Senggigi presented a Gala Dinner and Count Down Beach Party with the theme “Tropical Paradise”. This New Year’s Eve event featured a special performance from Ika Putri – Artist and Singer, Winner of the 2001 Shanghai Music Festival as well as the first Laser Dance performance in Lombok.
In addition to Laser Dance performance, guests also enjoy various attractions and entertainment, such as live bands, modern dance, live DJ, fire dance and fireworks by the beach. This moment became even more exciting because guests were also pampered with various attractive prizes.
At the Gala Dinner, guests indulged in special dishes crafted by Executive Chef of Aruna Senggigi, including Western, Mexican, Chinese, Arabian, Grill and various desserts. The excitement of the Gala Dinner was even more complete with an amazing performance from Ika Putri who entertained the guests with her melodious voice. While waiting for the event to start, children are invited to enjoy Balloon Twister and games at the Kids Playground.
After enjoying delicious dishes at the Gala Dinner, guests were invited to enjoy a Beach Party at Sea View, Aruna Senggigi. The Beach Party presented a performance from Apokayan Band, one of the well-known bands from Surabaya, East Java. While accompanied by the crashing waves of the beach, guests also amazed by the first Laser Dance show in Lombok. Moreover, a special performance from Asrilia completed the excitement of the event. The guests’ enthusiasm didn’t just stop there, the Dedaz Fire Dance also rocked the night, accompanied by percussion music from Revive Percussion and FDJ Gladys, the guests seemed to be lost in the atmosphere.
As the highlight of the event, it closed with spectacular fireworks show which gave a brilliant feel to welcome 2025. Sparkling colorful lights filled the sky of Senggigi Beach with the loud cheers of thousands of people who crowded Sea View, Aruna Senggigi. The sound of trumpets echoed each other, adding to the lively atmosphere full of excitement.